PanelsUI reaches v0.8.1
March 17th, 2007, posted by FofR

Firsty, I apologise for the lack of posts this week, I’ve been intensively studying mandarin – it’s a hard language to learn, no doubt. Anyway, I’m back now and working as hard as ever on the new FofR configuration, lots of juicy new features coming soon. Back to the point, a lot of these features have been enabled by the new pUI release. The changelog states:

+ “windowsize” button will now work inside child track displays
+ new user globals / layout globals will be run before all title formatting in TrackDisplay / SCPL.
layout globals will change between layouts and are saved in the .pui, while user globals stay the same for all layouts.
+ various bug fixes / improvements

What this doesn’t say is that Persisting Variables (PVARS) now really do persist – they are saved between foobar sessions right to the .pui file. This means making a configuration panel in a track display works as expected, saving settings between sessions rather than having to change them on each load. This has enabled me to make customising my configuration a lot easier and hassle free.

The download link never changes, if you seem to download the wrong file then something is getting cached in the wrong place. Terrestrial prefers this approach as it prevents old versions of pUI from being distributed, so I am afraid I cannot give you a unique URL, merely point you here:

Download PanelsUI

Preview of the new globals box after the break

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